2020 Best Laser Tattoo Removal Machine Laser Remover Face Lift Pigment Removal Machine fast free shipping
2020 Best Seller Laser Tattoo Removal Machine Laser Remover Face
Lift Pigment Removal Machine fast free shipping
About Product
laser can be absorbed by the blue and black melanin. The melanin will be fragmented become small so they can be metabolized by the lymp
hatic system or egested out of the body.
Thus the tattoo or other pigmentations will be removed without damage to normal tissue. The treatment is safe
and convenient without downtime and side effects.

Treatment principle
Laser emitted by the system has a strong penetration ability which allows it to reach the deep layer of dermis. The pigment particles absorb the light energy and explode sharply, burst into the tiny pieces, thus diminish the color density and get rid of it. So the appliance can effectively do away with mutant pigmentations and vascular tissue based on undamaged ambient tissue. This is called 'Selective heat absorption' principle in medical field.

1. All colors of tattoo removal.
2. Spots removal (freckle,coffee spots,age spots,nevus of Ota).
3. Embroidery lipline.
4. Eyeline,eyebrow pigments removal.

1. Pigment deposit dispelling.
2. Tattoo removal: Can remove black, blue, brown, green and red tattoo pigments, On eyebrow, eyeline, lipline and Other parts of body.
3. Eliminate the age pigment, spot, birthmark, and pigment changes.
Before and after